Saturday, January 13, 2007

"Wailing like a lost soul..." or "Moaning like a lost spirit..."

During a new, monthly "listening lunch" at WNPR, Nancy Cohen reminded us of this amazing piece of reporting by NPR's John Burnett. It's a story about a sandstorm hitting U.S. Troops in Iraq. Listen for the evocative writing...and the few things left in that could have been left out.

Big Broadwater Story

The Federal Energy Regulatory commission is holding some of its last public hearings on Broadwater. FERC is expected to decide whether to approve the floating liquefied natural gas terminal sometime this year.

But as WNPR's Nancy Cohen reports even if the federal government okays it that doesn't guarantee it'll be built.

This story generated quite a bit of discussion in the environmental and energy communities...and they must have been listening in Governor Rell's office...they ripped off a line from Nancy's story for the Governor's statement at the hearing!