Tuesday, October 16, 2007

First part of writing...the "vision"

Story "visioning" is an idea I heard about from a fantastic radio reporter named Melanie Peeples. In her training seminars she talks about this idea, which is really a more complex version of a story outline. Before we get into her visioning idea, let's listen to a recent political story she did for NPR, called Republican Leads Race for Louisiana Governor.

Here's the story visioning worksheet that Melanie has so generously allowed me to borrow from:
Questions for Story Visioning...before you start
  1. What is this story about?
  2. Who stands to win/lose in this story? Who are the stakeholders?
  3. What is my focus statement? (A short description, no longer than a few lines)
  4. Who do I need to interview: Side 1, Side 2, Real Person, Expert, etc.?
  5. What is this story REALLY about? What's underneath it all?
  6. Where should I interview the subjects? What does the place look like, how can I describe it?
  7. What questions should I ask?
  8. What more do I need to learn before I start working on this story?
Now, for our political reporting project, we've already jumped over some of these hurdles...we've given you some of the questions, we've picked some of the stakeholders...but the same ideas apply. These are good questions to be asking as you jump into any reporting project.

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