Saturday, January 17, 2009

Welcome to a new semester!

Classes start on Tuesday the 20th - so I'm getting ready by posting a few things on our class blog for JRN 521 - "Writing for the Ear."  This blog is mostly for students in our Quinnipiac University class, but outsiders take a look now and again, too.  It's filled with links to stories on public radio, writing tips, and current news events.  

The class this semester will be producing work for an ongoing WNPR series "This Economic Life" (sorry Ira Glass) which looks at the changes people are making in a struggling economy.  You'll soon get to hear some stories from last semester - production problems at have slowed the presentation of the Fall 2008 stories...but all are still very timely.  

You'll also get visits from skilled reporters and producers, like Diane Orson and Catie Talarski.  

Below is the syllabus for the class - you should also have access to the text, by NPR's Jonathan Kern, called Sound Reporting. 

Looking forward to the fun!

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